The following (simplified) example was reported not to work properly:
[timed-content-server show="2019-08-17" hide="2019-10-02 09:31 -0700"]
This show after 2019-08-17 and hide after 2019-10-02 09:31 -0700.
[timed-content-server show="2019-10-10″ hide="2019-11-09"]
And this should show after 2019-10-10 and hide after 2019-11-09.
The same example again, but with timezone “America/Chihuahua” instead of “-0700”:
[timed-content-server show="2019-08-17" hide="2019-10-02 09:31 America/Chihuahua"]
This show after 2019-08-17 and hide after 2019-10-02 09:31 America/Chihuahua.
[timed-content-server show="2019-10-10″ hide="2019-11-09"]
And this should show after 2019-10-10 and hide after 2019-11-09.