Examples for Lightbox with PhotoSwipe

PhotoSwipe 5

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe 5 with dynamic caption

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe 5 with overlay caption

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe, caption sources

About PhotoSwipe 5

PhotoSwipe 5 by Dmytro Semenov has much better support for mobile devices with iOS 13 and better performance due to its modular structure. It is also easier to extend its functionality using plugins or event handlers.

Due to changes in PhotoSwipe 5, custom modes for mouse wheel are no longer possible. The wheel is now always used for specific operations like zooming and scrolling in zoomed state.

Since PhotoSwipe 5 is now modular, it will now only be used in its original form and only be extended by plugins or additional frontend code.

Update about PhotoSwipe 5

The latest version of Lightbox with PhotoSwipe brings back the following features using its own frontend code for this:

  • “Swipe” animation in desktop mode (starting with version 5.1.0).
  • URL navigation (starting with version 5.4.0).

PhotoSwipe 4

Note: PhotoSwipe 4 is only supported for backwards compability since a few features like sharing options, are not supported any longer by PhotoSwipe 5. However there will be no bugfixes or new features at all in PhotoSwipe 4 itself. Therefore it is recommended to switch for PhotoSwipe 5. PhotoSwipe 4 may get removed at some point in 2025.

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe

Lightbox with only two images

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe – EXIF display

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe disabled

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe and Elementor

Gutenberg gallery block with single caption for multiple images

Images with tabindex

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe with NextGEN gallery

Tiled gallery with JetPack, created to show a newly introduced bug in Jetpack

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe external image

Lightbox with PhotoSwipe – scaled image

Issues with specific themes or plugins

Meow gallery